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In recent months, the Cowboys signalcaller has been romantically linked to Carrie Underwood, Alli Sims, Sophia Bush and others. Last month, Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo had Thanksgiving dinner together in Dallas. Then, after a few seconds of surely very deep conversation, Tony Romoleaned for a kiss right in the middle of the crowded club.Īlso on hand for the bday bash were Cacee Cobb’s boyfriend, Donald Faison of Scrubsfame, and Simpson’s quasifamous hairdresser, Ken Paves. The occasion? Jessica Simpson’s best friend and former personal bitch, CaCee Cobb, celebrated her 30th birthday.Īt first, Jessica Simpson, wearing a hot, formfitting black dress and spike heels, and her new football beau kept things lowkey in a secluded booth.īut as the night continued on, the pair was spotted getting hot and heavy with their arms around one other. The alleged singer and actress and the NFL star flirted up a storm Saturday at the hot Hollywood nightclub Teddy’s. The Dallas Cowboys may have had the weekend off after winning Thursday, but star quarterback Tony Romo still made a perfect pass… at Jessica Simpson.

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